Sunday, June 16, 2013

Afternoon on the Bay!

Before we headed back to Cove Granddad us on a round-about on  bay! First up was a LONG and oh so Hot wait for a ride on the fairy! 
<insert 2nd to last picture here>
(Phone blogging has its down falls!)

We made the loop and went to WHATABURGER and ate outside on the balcony watching the grey skies (behind the camera) and listening to the Thunder! 

We fed the seagulls! The kids thought it was pretty cool when the birds caught the fries before they hit the ground!!

Then we went to see the replica of the Nina from Christopher Columbus.

 It was TINY!! 

(Landon was still hurting from his sunburn! Madilyn's hug didn't help!!)

The coolest part was the sea turtle swimming in the bay next to it!!

When we were on the T-heads Ron "spun a cookie". The kids were screaming and laughing. When we got done Madilyn goes, "Woah! How many tires were we on?!"

I think the kids liked it because they finally got to run around!! But they were pretty disappointed we didn't go to a real park...ya know, one with a playground!

We drove past the Lexington. I wished we had time to take the kids Landon would have loved it!! I was explaining to him what an aircraft carrier is. So when I pointed it out to him he said,"I think there's a war going on right there!"

On our way home we went past all the big barges and ships docked in the ship channel. But by then the kids were tired of being in the car and just wanted to watch their movies!!

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