Sunday, May 12, 2013

Busy Body!!

Payden is one busy kid!! He is learning so much!! He loves helping mom! He throws things in the garbage for me. Claps and tells me good job when I throw things away. :) Switches the laundry from the washer to the dryer and back to the washer for me. He LOVES phones and Dad's ipad. Triton is his best friend. He loves giving him hugs!! When dad takes the dog to work, Payden is more excited to see Triton come home than dad!  But, when dad leaves for work, Payden is right there with the big kids giving him hugs and kisses! And feels left out when he doesn't get them!! He is picking up on things so fast!! I love it! I have a love hate relationship with this stage. I loving watching them learn and make connections, but they are constantly into EVERYTHING!!

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