Sunday, May 26, 2013

Piano Recital

I survived my first year teaching piano. It was a great experience! I never ever dreamed it would be something I would do...especially since I wont play in front of anyone. Anyone! (Not even my husband!!) But...I figured I could at least get them started! ...besides we're only going to be in North Dakota a couple years...right??? Then I'll have moving as an excuse to quit when they are better than I am! But, I really have loved it! These kids knew nothing when we got started in November. One went to piano festival and received a superior rating. And all 12 of them had 2 songs memorized for the recital...and they did great! After the recital we came back to our house and enjoyed Root beer floats!!

Unfortunately the only pictures I took are on my real I can only post the ones Ron took if me from his phone!! ...which explains the pictures!!

Our first of hopefully many Fishing trips!!

Ron decided to try and make his own fish fertilizer for the garden this year. So everyone got new fishing gear!! The kids have been super excited to try out their new fishing poles so, we took the kids out to teach them how to cast! Madilyn did great!! She caught on really fast...until she hooked a tree and broke her weight off.  Landon got a "real" fishing pole (not a kid one) so he had a harder time casting out. Dad spent more time fixing and untangling Landon's pole than actually fishing!! Payden was just happy to splash in the water!! Mom finally had to take him for a walk to keep him from wading in the water. The kids are already asking when we are going to go again!!


This kid can NEVER wait for dinner!! His latest trick is to climb on the table and eat everything there!!

He can also pull dum dums out of thin air! And whats better than one dum dum?? TWO!!

Dance Recital :)

Madilyn was in dance this year. She had a lot of fun performing in her dance recital!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Busy Body!!

Payden is one busy kid!! He is learning so much!! He loves helping mom! He throws things in the garbage for me. Claps and tells me good job when I throw things away. :) Switches the laundry from the washer to the dryer and back to the washer for me. He LOVES phones and Dad's ipad. Triton is his best friend. He loves giving him hugs!! When dad takes the dog to work, Payden is more excited to see Triton come home than dad!  But, when dad leaves for work, Payden is right there with the big kids giving him hugs and kisses! And feels left out when he doesn't get them!! He is picking up on things so fast!! I love it! I have a love hate relationship with this stage. I loving watching them learn and make connections, but they are constantly into EVERYTHING!!

Kindergarten Program

Madilyn had her end if the year music program. It was called AlphaBOB. They sang a song for every letter of the alphabet!!

She LOVES performing!! She got right with the dances moves!! I got compliments on how animated she was. She got so into it that she slipped and fell on her bum while they were jumping in the middle of one song.

...she is the first one on left on the bottom row.

Garden Time!

We haven't been able to garden in two years. We are SUPER excited to plant one this year. The kids are just as excited as we are!! Landon is constantly asking when we are going to go work on the garden...and that kid HATES to work!! Here's our progress so far!!

(Still trying to figure out how to get pictures to go in order!!)

Little Bird.

Triton chased this poor little guy into the garage. He couldn't find his way out, so Ron helped him out...but not without chasing me around the house with him first!!