Sunday, October 13, 2013

First Day of School!

The day before school started I took Madilyn out for a mommy daughter date! If there is anything she likes more than anything it's having girl time with mom!! (Something that doesn't happen very often with two little brothers!) 

Subway is her favorite place to eat, and we have been waiting for a reason to try out the new one here in Stanley! We went and picked out a new novel at the library. Then went out for a "world famous whirla whip" (expect nobody really knows about them except Stanley, ND!) They are very yummy milk shakes though!!

Then...we had meet the teacher night.  I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with my first impression of her teacher. But Madilyn absolutely loves her! She has missed school twice so far and both times she would have rather gone to school!  (And she missed for fun things too...not just being sick!) She is so much happier this year! 

Landon had to wait 2 weeks before it was his first day of Pre-school. It nearly killed him! He was so excited it was all he could do to wait!  I was lucky I even got him in! We went to sign up on the first day of registration.  By the time we got there the morning class was booked and half of the afternoon was already taken!  I would have been in big trouble if I had waited any longer!! 

Landon is absolutely loving school too! He looks forward to every day and has been such a happy little boy since he started school!!

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