Sunday, October 13, 2013

The boys have had a GREAT week! The empty lot across from us used to flood every time it rained. They finally filled it in so the owners could sale it.  Well, this year all that water went into the neighbors back yard instead!  So the city came in and is putting in a storm drain.  The kids (Payden) has been thoroughly entertained watching out the window all day long!  Landon likes watching when they do new things!  The most exciting day was when they dug a 10 foot hole right in front of the window to lay down the new pipe!  I've loved the entertainment for the boys...but it's been kind of a pain to get in and out of the driveway!

School Days!

After school is our busiest time of day!! I have to get through piano lessons.  Then we head to dance or swimming or reading night or feed the missionaries. Plus first grade brings homework of spelling tests and reading and math! 

Madilyn did the first session of ballet this fall!  She loved it! She loved being with two of her best friends!! She is such a perfectionist and loves learning all the ballet positions!

We didn't sign her up for the jazz session because I finally got her and Landon in swimming lessons here! They were stoked! ...Payden feels left out though!

The first grade teachers host a monthly family reading night! They read a book, have an activity, snacks, raffles, and everyone comes in their PJ's and brings their pillows and blankets! 

There is always something to do! As soon as I think life is going to slow down a new wave come rolling in!  Life is great! 


Landon's imagination has gone wild!  There are days when I don't hear from him for hours because he's so into his playing! His favorite is Legos! I love hearing him talk and make up stories while he plays!!  My favorite was when he  rolled is play dough out and it ended up being in the shape of Texas!! He was so excited! ...I may have been a little bit proud too :)


A friend in the branch needed a babysitter.  She is a dental hygienist for the local dentist.  She only works 1-2 days a week.  I told her I'd watch her two little girls for her.  Landon and Addy have become best friends!!  I love watching them play!  Payden and Brynlee have their moments, but they too are starting to interact. They're all pretty funny!  I also watched a baby for a week for a desperate friend of a friend!  I felt like a real daycare!!  Somedays I love it!! Others I wonder what I'm thinking!!

First Day of School!

The day before school started I took Madilyn out for a mommy daughter date! If there is anything she likes more than anything it's having girl time with mom!! (Something that doesn't happen very often with two little brothers!) 

Subway is her favorite place to eat, and we have been waiting for a reason to try out the new one here in Stanley! We went and picked out a new novel at the library. Then went out for a "world famous whirla whip" (expect nobody really knows about them except Stanley, ND!) They are very yummy milk shakes though!!

Then...we had meet the teacher night.  I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with my first impression of her teacher. But Madilyn absolutely loves her! She has missed school twice so far and both times she would have rather gone to school!  (And she missed for fun things too...not just being sick!) She is so much happier this year! 

Landon had to wait 2 weeks before it was his first day of Pre-school. It nearly killed him! He was so excited it was all he could do to wait!  I was lucky I even got him in! We went to sign up on the first day of registration.  By the time we got there the morning class was booked and half of the afternoon was already taken!  I would have been in big trouble if I had waited any longer!! 

Landon is absolutely loving school too! He looks forward to every day and has been such a happy little boy since he started school!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Enjoying every last minute of Summer!

We did all we could to enjoy every last minute of summer we could! 

We loved watching our garden grow! The kids would get so excited when new things started to come on!  They liked being the first to discover something new. Sadly, it didn't produce much this year.  Next year we'll have to make some changes. Even though there wasn't much, I loved canning and freezing all I could :)

There are always times when, if we want to see dad at all, we have to go run errands with him. It could be a quick fix on a truck or just dropping something off to a driver.  Either way, it's usually an hour or two hour drive ONE WAY!  The kids hate it!  But sometimes this mom needs to get out!!  Sometimes dad surprises us with a fun stop!  This time we followed a trail for a neat view of Lake Sakakawea and the bridge across it. (Sorry, me and night time pics have never gotten along!)

We did lots of fishing!!!  Landon asked me everyday...all summer...when we were go fishing next! 

We had lots of morning wrestling!

Playing in the water just wasn't much fun this year.  It just wasn't warm enough... But we tried one last round before school started! 

Just before the end of summer we ALL got new bikes!! We had so much fun taking the kids on bike trails and stopping at parks to play! 

Payden has decided he really likes food. ALL food! But mostly food he gets himself!  He's gotten really good at not eating meals because he snacks all day long...just like brother!!

Lazy Summer Days!
                        ....long gone till next year!