Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fun in the Sun!

We've been having so much fun outside!!  The weather has been beautiful! Somedays a little on the chilly side!! If it would stay like this until thanksgiving I would be so happy!! Wishful thinking!! I am bracing myself for an early winter and holding onto summer as long as I can!!

If there is a mud puddle, we will find it!!  Landon begged and begged for a boat so he could sail across the pudddle in the ally. This is what he came up with!!

Somewhere I have pictures of Payden covered from head to toe in the mud!!

Madilyn's most favorite thing to do is climb the tree!! The neighbor boy taught her how to get up there pretty high!!

We play hide and seek. 
We go for walks.
 We play guns!!!
Grandma Jane and Dustin came for a visit. We had a great time!! We were outside the whole time! They taught the kids how to play baseball. I was amazed at how well they could play! Madilyn hit a home run over the roof and into the street on the other side of the house. Landon could hit right handed and left! 

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