Thursday, April 25, 2013


Its April 25th. It should be spring. But we live in North Dakota. It snowed again yesterday. There are only 3 weeks until school gets out for the summer!! It was a LITTLE warmer today so the boys and I ventured outside!!

Payden loved the freedom and couldn't stop giggling in the swing!!

Monday, April 15, 2013


I have NEVER seen a knot this big before!!  He is one tough cookie! He only cried for a few minutes after this one! Madilyn and Landon were racing down the hall. Madilyn pushed him out if the way...right into the door frame!! It hurts me just looking at it but he says its all better! The first time he saw it in the mirror his jaw dropped and he said "ouch!!" Then he ran off and did his own thing!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Landon in trouble!!

Dad likes his little buddy to go to work with him sometimes. Little buddy doesn't usually like to go to work with dad. This is what happened one day when Little Buddy said he didn't want to go to work with dad...and then told him that he didn't love him either!!

Maybe he'll think again before he says that next time!!

...nope, the next time he got tied up like calf in the rodeo!!

Lego Zoo!!

Once in a while mom gets creative!! Landon opted out of Playgroup today (Which is more than okay with me!) We got caught up on some preschool. Then he wanted ME to build Lego's WITH him. Ugh! I hate when they want me to play creative things...Lego's and Barbies...and things that require imagination!!  But I put on my happy mom face anyway and this is what we came up with!!

We made a Lego Zoo!! We have a... snake, crocodile, elephant, giraffe, zebra, camel, turtle, and a hippo. Then we had a bunch of squares left so we added a park bench, the entrance gate, and 3 people.

I wanted Landon's picture with it...but then he had to take my picture with it too!

He played with them all day. He even moved them to his bed and set them up against his pillows. Like Madilyn does with her dolls, when she makes her bed in the morning!

Dad's Surprise!!

We had just walked in the door from getting Madilyn from school. Ron wasn't far behind. It was the usual run and hide from dad kind of day! After he found them he told them a secret. They were supposed to hurry and get their swimming suits on and surprise mom!! Dad was going to take the family swimming!! It worked! Just not the way they planned. When I caught Landon hiding behind his bedroom door trying to cover up his swim trunks I was pretty confused. Madilyn was NOT happy that Landon ruined the surprise! We dug out an old suit for Payden and went swimming.

Payden LOVED it!! I don't think he stopped smiling the whole time we were in the pool.  He had no fear! He bailed out of the baby float, didn't want to be held, and tried walking off the benches! He just wanted to GO!!

Then dad took us to the market to get ice cream and candy to make milkshakes.

We came home and grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and made our milkshakes!!  It was great to mix up the normal routine!

...the since it was Friday night, the kids got to stay up late watching movies down stairs!!  We woke up to them yelling at the TV at 5AM!! They SAY they never went to bed...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Easter!!

The holidays seem to get more fun every year as the kids get bigger!

Payden loved dumping out all the Easter Eggs.  He also did some relaxing in the bucket with them!!

Dad came home and spent the afternoon dying eggs with the kids.  It was a nice calm event. The kids were great and loved it!

Madilyn thought we needed to leave carrots for the Easter Bunny. Madilyn made him a little note to go with them.  While she was writing it she asked me, "Should I tell him Easter isn't just about him?" I paused for a minute, then responded...what?!  She hurried and changed her mind and said, "nevermind, that would hurt his feelings!!"

The Easter Bunny came!!
Next year we ARE getting better baskets!! All the same size!!
They loved their treats and the egg hunt.
We found all 99 easter eggs!!

We had a great Easter. More importantly, we are grateful of our savior, Jesus Christ. For the loving sacrifice and the atonement. That we might live again in the presence of Him and our Heavenly Father. I hope and pray that my children can understand and appreciate the true meaning of Easter.