Thursday, February 28, 2013

Landon's "real" Birthday!

We decided to celebrate Landon's birthday a day early. We didn't know what Sunday would bring and Ron had the chance to take it pretty easy on Saturday. Landon requested a spaghetti dinner and a chocolate tractor cake! He has been begging for a real bed for quite some time now. We finally gave in and got both boys beds for their birthdays! Madilyn went to work with dad in the morning and helped pick up the bed. Then Landon went later that afternoon while the girls set up the bed and decorated the cake!  So far we've only found Landon asleep on the floor once since he got the big bed! (Boy was he in trouble that night!!) But I'd have to say its been a success!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The details.

Our trip was great!  It started LATE. We had to wait for a semi transmission to get pulled out so we could take it back with us and to make sure we could stop in Montana to pick up the new semi.  We finally got on the road by 11pm Thursday.

We thought the trip there was pretty rough. After we got the semi we had to fuel it up. Ron lost the company credit card between Williston and getting the semi. It took a few tries to get our own credit card to work because we were traveling and out of our "area" and we were trying to make an unusual purchase for us. Pain.In.The.Butt. ...but, nice to know we have good fraud protection!!!  The kids didn't last long sleeping. They were wide awake and ready go go at 6am...we were only half way there!! So we enjoyed some Magic Tree House Books!!

We finally made it!! Ron got his hair done. Enjoyed the reception. Ron got to play morning church ball. We made it to the temple and lunch with Ace and Mindy. Missed a bridal shower. Celebrated with my birthday boys. Went to our old ward! Visited with Larry and Jayne. Ron went snow machining. The kids and I spent a day at Smith's. Went to the temple and lunch with Pam and Taylor. Hustled to get new tires on the pickup to leave Tuesday night...then it all happened.

The pick up needed more then new tires. All the ball joints needed replaced not to mention new brakes. It wouldn't be done until Wednesday at 10! So, we stayed another night! Did some laundry. Packed. Went to get the pickup. Ron didn't get back to grandma's until after 4!! (I had hoped to leave around 1 or 2!) He pulled in with 8 semi tires and a semi seat in his pickup bed!! There was NO room for our luggage! Grandma and I about died!! Somehow Ron always makes everything fit!  Even if we were stacked higher than the cab of the pickup! We went through Rexburg to get extra tie downs so we went home through Island Park.! A snow storm had just moved it. It was SLICK! (When Ron says it's slick, it is slick!!) We got stuck going 30mph behind a snow plow all the way through Island Park! We finally made it to Bozeman. Madilyn needed a potty break and Ron needed a nap. I was not going to drive that load through that snow storm. So Landon and Ron slept while Madilyn, Payden, and I hung out in a nice rest stop. It snowed on us clear past Billings! Ron had to pull off a few more times. It was the slowest trip ever!! I will never do the night travelling again! It ends up being me staying awake the whole time and being drained the whole next day. Payden was the main reason. We wanted him to sleep the whole way. He still kept waking up crying. Then to top it off we ran out of gas 10 miles from Glendive!! We were so blessed! I was prepping myself of being stuck in the pickup with 3 kids for several hours! Luckily only 3 cars passed before a good couple on their way to work at the gas station stopped. They recognized Ron from always stopping in when he was travelling back and forth all the time. "They NEVER stop for anyone!!" And told him he would have to find his own way back. ...until they heard I was sitting in the car waiting! I couldn't believe it when I saw Ron back so soon!  We watched the deer on the other side of the highway. Payden had a blast "driving". We read more Magic Tree House. We finally made it back to the truck yard at NOON!!

It was quite a trip!!  Nothing ever goes uneventful for us!! I'd have to say we were all very glad to be home even if no one wanted to come home!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Just like the old days...

The kids and I got to spend a whole day at the Smith's house!! It was so good to visit and catch up! The kids loved it. (I loved it!!) It was just like church in our old ward  the day before. It felt as if we had never left!! I hope that someday the day comes when we can move back and it will feel just like that!!


We got to visit Larry and Jayne this trip. ...good old Larry!! He's always got SOMETHING for the kids! This time it was suckers. Scorpion Suckers. I didn't think anything of them. Ya know, a gummy inside the sucker. Landon LOVED them! Jayne said No Way! She took them away from the kids!! But Peyton snuck them back to Ron when she wasn't looking.  We gave them to the kids on the way home. Madilyn was going to eat her sucker but Landon said he'd eat her scorpion for her...and his!  Madilyn got grossed out and Landon's broke off the stick before he got to it.  Ronald ate Payden's for him later that night!  We expected it to be a fake scorpion or a gummy one...NOPE!! It was a very real scorpion!! SICK!!

He did what?!

While we were in Idaho, Ron decided he needed a little salon time...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Birthday Boys!!

We combined Landon and Payden's birthday parties this year. Something I never wanted to do. I want the boys to have their own special day. The first birthday is a big deal!!! But Landon is the one that knows what's going on.  I didn't want him to feel left out that he didn't get a party this year like everyone else!  ...We will probably do cake and his big present on his real birthday.  Payden got right with the unwrapping...but of course was mostly interested in the boxes!!  Landon was just happy to be the center of attention and get more toys!!  It was nice to have family to help is celebrate!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Little Man!!

My little man turned 1 year today!! He's been such a trooper! Poor guy has spent his first birthday in his car seat!! We left LATE last night for Idaho. Didn't get here till well after noon...then ran errands with mom and dad all afternoon.  Then will be headed for a wedding in Rexburg!!

Just in time for his one year mark he can finally...

Say dadadada
Say Mom mom mom
Wave bye
Say and wave hi
Give 5!
Talk on dad's old phone!!
And my favorite...Give snuggly snuggly hugs
And sometimes kisses!!

We love you Mr. Payden!!

Madilyn's Valentine's!!

Oh dear!! Valentine's Day was here. I didn't realize it was going to be such a big deal in Kindergarten.  I should have expected it. She comes homes stressed out about best friend drama regularly. She was pretty persistent while making her Valentine's that "Elizabeth and Alysia HAD to get the same color gum ball with their Valentine's or they would be mad because they are best friends. But Tawni and Kaelee could NOT have the same color because they are NOT best friends anymore!!"  But she did a great job making them!!  ...I had to keep my mouth shut a few times and let her do them her way!! They turned out great!

Bottoms Up!!

You know you've got the walking thing down when you can tip your bottle back and stroll through the house!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Fun!!

Our weeks are always so busy!  It seems like all I am ever doing is harping on kids to hurry and do things!!  It takes Madilyn 2 hours to get ready for school!! TWO HOURS!! All she has to do is shower, get dressed, let me do her hair, eat breakfast, and make her bed!!  Then she gets home from school, goes to the neighbor's so I can do piano lessons, and it starts all over again...dinner, night time chores and bed!! 

I decided we needed to have so fun!! My played all weekend the the kids!!  Movies. Coloring. Puzzles. Play Dough. More Puzzles! Hair do's!  We had a blast! Sometimes mom just needs a little reminder that part of her job is to PLAY WITH the kids too.  There will always be something that needs to get done, but putting the kids first is more important!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Remember that stinker I was telling you about?! This is his latest trick! He's never been good at sitting in the high chair...but he's never done THIS before either!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Growing Up...way too fast!!

Mr. Payden is growing up  This little stinker is into EVERYTHING all day long!!

He really loves his brother and sister! Especially when he gets to join in on the wrestling and chasing!!  One night we were trying to have Family Home Evening.  Ron was trying to keep Payden on his lap. He finally put him down. Payden walked straight to over to Madilyn, pulled her hair, and wrestled with her until he pinned her to the ground!!

My little stinker sure keeps me going all day long!


Madilyn has really missed gymnastics since leaving Idaho. Stanley doesn't have a lot to offer, so when I heard someone was starting a dance class I jumped right on it.  She seems to be liking it. The best part is it gives her a chance to be with friends outside of school.

A fresh start!

Surprise! A new blog!! I created this one so I can blog from my phone without using Ron's email account.  I will some day get the last one current up to this point!!

Not sure exactly how to work it yet but hopefully I can be a regular blogger again in no time!!